Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Something Blue

In June I joined The Independent Characters hobby progress challenge. The goal is to have a 2k point army paintes by the end of November. Despite my late start, this Chapter Master on bike brings my painted models up to 1335pts for the competition and pushes my DIY chapter to over 5000pts of painted and based models. His base is as of yet incomplete, but I am waiting until my next big basing session to do this one.

It was a fun model to paint and I'm especially happy with the banner. I just need to decide on a name for him.

Something new.

I guess I should start this off with a bit of an introduction. I'm Justin, and when I'm not chasing children, or hitting metal with a hammer, I like to paint and play with plastic man dollies. I started with 40k in 2002 and while my involvement has waxed and waned over the years I am still here. I have been playing Marines for years and have a Guard army sitting in a box. I also play WFB on occasion and have Warriors of Chaos. I also recently fell to chaos and I am slowly starting a Daemons army with bases to be used for both systems.

Primarily my hobby is painting and terrain building. Being a father of 3 means I have few opportunities to roll dice, so I make sure I enjoy my games as much as I can.