Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Escalation Campaign

My gaming group is starting an escalation campaign. We will be playing a map based campaign and scoring our painting. Painting will be scored on completed models rather than technical quality. The goal being fully painted 2400pt armies by the completion of the campaign.

Paint Scores and some Fine Print
On our first campaign day to kick off the map based events the players will be required to have 25% of the models in their 1200 point army painted to score 2 points. A bonus point will be awarded for the General being painted and named. Also, painted and named Generals receive Regenerate (5+). If the General already has Regenerate, it becomes 1 better than it usually is (a 4+ becomes a 3+ and so on and so forth)

Nov, 22nd: 2 pts for 50% of the models being painted of the 1600pt army. A Bonus 1 pt will be given for 1 core unit being fully painted.

Dec, 13th: 2pts for 75% of the models being painted of the 1600pt army. 1 Bonus point to be given for a painted special OR rare choice.

Jan, 10th: 3 pts available for having all models in the 1600 point army painted. As this spans over Christmas, the due date was extended an extra week. Also, no bonus points will be awarded. It's a family holiday, spend it with the people who matter.

Jan 31st: 3 pts for having a fully painted 2000 point army. 1 bonus point for painting a BSB or a Wizard.

Feb, 28th: 3 pts for having a fully painted 2400 point army. 1 bonus point is available for having a display board AND/OR painted and decorated movement trays. You can only score both of these points if you missed a bonus earlier in the campaign.

To encourage hobby progress for the participants whom already have a painted army, to score the points you must paint at least a single unit by each deadline. (The unit can be from a different army)

To score points, all participants must post a picture of an unpainted unit in the FB group( or email it to me ) at the beginning of each phase and then post a picture of that unit completed by the deadline at the latest 23:59 PST.

This allows a total of 13 Base points and 5 bonus points. In the case of a tie, only base points will be considered. If a tie stoll exists, a panel of random unbiased judges (wives/girlfriends/mothers) of the participants will be asked to vote on their favourite army. If a tie still exists, the affected participants can decide to either dice off or duel with axes at 2 paces for the prize.

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