Saturday, 30 May 2015

Commission Painted Vampire Counts

I have finally finished my commission work for Brad. This project took me much longer than I wanted it to because real life got in the way. I am really pleased with how the models turned out as they are a nice mixture of light and dark. The 3 colours used for the Black Knights are all from established Empire States adding to the variety and narrative abilities of the models. And the Terrorgheist may be the only model in existence that is sharper and pointier than the Heldrake.

With this project done, I'm back on to the chaos goodness.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Dwarven Gaming Table

Yesterday I posted about following the inspiration when it hits you. I have played a couple of games that use a combination of Warhammer and Mordheim rules to make a fun little skirmish game. Most of the missions are played on a 24"×24" playing area. I had this crazy idea to build a single Dwarven tile that could be used just for these games and also double as a display board for my friend Brad who plays Dwarves. I guess it has a 3rd use with its 1"×1" grid and that would be to play Pathfinder/D&D on it.

What really ended up happening was that I convinced Brad that he really needed a gaming table of his own, and I set about the task of designing an underground city.

As I am wont to do, I took things to far. Originally the plan had been to make 8- 2'×2' modular tiles, but I ended up making 10 as I used scraps and pieces to make 2 ruined tiles. I made underground "forests" using mushrooms made of kitchen door knobs and ruined Dwarven statues. All in all I am extremely pleased with the finished product and I'm happy to see how it went from an idea, to paper, to a reality.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

When the inspiration hits you

I am a fairly creative person. I love to come up with an idea and start a new project. Sometimes(read everytime) completing a project is a struggle and a fight. In the last 2 months I have finished up some cool projects and really invested myself into making them as awesome as possible.

With my most recent projects out of the way, it is time for me to get back to work on the CSM army. But, last weekend I played in the 3rd game of my narrative campaign with Nick . I wanted to have a brand new Hero to lead my army. I sat down and in about 4 hrs cranked out a Nurgle Lord that I had converted to be a Herald for my Daemons army. But this Nurgle character got me thinking and I decided to convert and paint a chariot for him to ride in. I am really pleased with how the model finished up.

So even though you may be struggling to finish a project, sometimes you just need to direct some energy into a single model and it gets the paint flowing so you can finish up.

The beginning of the 3rd narrative game
So Grimy 

Backseat Driver(s)