I have finished 2 more models for my Warhammerd army. I agreed to paint both of these so that I could have some awesome models to hopefully drum up some more commissions.
The first that I completed was the Soulgrinder. Way back in the days of 4ed 40k, true line of sight wasn't a thing. So when my little brother let me assemble his Defiler, it looked more like a crab. When 5ed and TLoS arrived, some of his friends complained that he was modelling for advantage. With Khorne Daemonkin out, and my crazy idea to mix a Defiler and a Nemesis Dreadknight, I once again asked to model for him and repair my mistake. I also had a few bitz from the Bloodthirster kit.
Once the Soulgrinder was done, I immediately set to work on the Bloodthirster mk2. I did my best to create the fiery wings that were requested of me, and overall it was a fun and challenging project. I can't get over how amazingly well detailed this model is. I really want one for myself. One day...
And I continue to rant and rave about how amazing the airbrush is to use. Best. Anniversary. Gift. Ever.