Sunday, 2 November 2014

Nerdsmas was a success

I don't know if just saying it was a success accurately describes it. Perhaps a roaring success. Yes,  Nerdsmas was a roaring success. Everyone had fun,  everyone lost models,  had it gone one more turn I would have been tabled.

A note on the scenario. Each player brought a 1200pt list. The table was played on a 8'×4' table and each general was randomly given a 24"×12" deployment zone. The goal was to capture as many meteorite markers as possible. The winning side would receive a +1 to their 2d6 rolls to see who selected HQ territories first on the campaign map. At the beginning of each game turn,  the teams diced off to see who placed tge meteorite marker. They picked a spot and scatter an artillery dice. The meteorites hit like a stone thrower and also any unit touched by the blast template was hit by d6 S4 flaming attacks. When the meteorite was placed,  the placing player randomly pulled a card from 8 selected from the battle magic deck (5 augments and 3 hexes) and any unit in control of the meteorite gained that spells effect.

At the end of the game we called it a draw at the end of T4 and moved on to the campaign moves. The game was a blast and everyone had a lot of fun. Some memorable moments were:

-A horde of zombies charged through a meteorite marker and picked up +1S and flaming attacks.
-My daemon prince charged and killed a Slaan and then charged a Chaos lord on juggernaut,  only to die to the Lord who then turned into a daemon prince of Khorne.
-zombies... everywhere ...

Good game,  good players,  a good afternoon. What more can you ask for?

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