So following Campaign Game #1 the Skaven General and I made an agreement to stop our advancement into each other's territories. So when it comes time for campaign orders , that rat bastard betrayed me and invaded 2 of my territories. Honestly I'm not surprised.
The biggest challenge for me is getting enough time to play a game. We decided to try out a later game after I had gotten the kids to sleep. It actually worked out fairly well as I had the tabke set up and my army on a tray and ready to go. It also happened to be a Warhammer Wednesday. I have recently been listening to The Dwellers Below and they regularly extoll the virtue of gaming on Wednesday. I will admit that I thought today was Wednesday but then realized that it's Thursday.
Ok, so Skaven bastard shows up, someone had rolled the Meeting Engagement(read: Arranged Marriage) scenario. Each player has a deployment that is 6" off of the centre line run diagonally across the board. I really like this deployment as it shakes up deployment. What I don't like is setting up the deployment zone lines and that you have to roll for each unit prior to deployment and the roll of a '1' puts the unit into reserves. This random deployment thing is so BS. The skaven player had 3 units stay off the board and I had 2 in reserves. Random deployment does not test Generalship, it tests luck.
So we get set up and I go first. I flew my Daemon Prince over, LVL 4 with Lore of Death, and then killed his BSB while miscasting and dropping myself to a LVL 1. I then proceeded to avoid him for the rest of the game. I had enough to win the game and securemy territory and that was enough. The only MODELS that I lost were 3 Nurgling swarms that I scouted in behind his big Stormvermin block to distract him and draw him away from the rest of my army. And the Reign of Chaos table absolutely destroyed him. It killed a handful of stormvermin, a weapon team , oh and his General on T6.
All in all it was the most boring game I have ever played. The opponent was great and his took his loss well. I think he hates the reign of chaos table now. I did what I had to do to win, but it didn't feel like a game. We shall see what happens in upcoming games. I can see myself rolling a 2 on the table and then having all my units pop off of the table.
The included pics are after deployment and at the end of the game. Yawn
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