Monday, 5 January 2015

A new year and a new plan

Yes,  I fully recognize that I haven't posted lately. Truth is that I put some much effort into my Daemons and my Marines that I've kinda burnt out a bit. I've also backed off of blogging because I have been trying to focus on what I would like to accomplish in 2015.

1) I want to get my Daemons painted up to 3000 points so that I have lots of options for list building. This includes modelled movement trays and a display board. I would really like to get more involved in the local WFB tournament scene.

2) I want to finish my winter table terrain including 2 centerpieces and some more 40kish terrain. I really need to come up with a snow technique.

3) I want to start and finish the terrain for my Urban Combat FaT Mat. In my opinion, the Urban mat is the best one that they have produced thus far and I would really like to use mine.

4) I picked up a small Beastmen army for less than 7% of its retail price. I spent 6.5hrs on stripping the models and now they're ready for the reassembly. I don't want a huge army but enough for small games that I can use for Megabattles, Narratives, and as a lender army. I expect that they'll be speed painted and based to match my Warriors of Chaos army. Maybe I can play around with some End Times fun.

5) I want to grow the Nerdmas events to have more participants and more fun gaming. We'll be running another one in late February or early March. I realize that this is fairly hard to track but so far our best turnout has been 8 players.

How about you? What are your hobby goals for 2015?

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