Sunday, 18 January 2015

Some Scenery Inspiration

This weekend I got to take a break from the grind and get a bit of rest. My family spent 2 nights out in the Rocky Mountains and it was a really nice break to get away from the city. While we were out there I was further inspired to work on my Alpine table.

Another development was in a game of Scrabble with my wife after the minions went to sleep. She got first turn and pulled out the letters to spell QUIETLY which is 19ptsx2 for double word +50 for using all 7 letters in the rack. She proceeded to complain "Well I already pulled Q out first and now I've pulled J and X in the same hand. Oh wait, I can spell JINX." It hurt a lot. She usually has trouble beating me at Scrabble so I'm proud of her for kicking my butt.
Finally, my fall of chaos continues as I start working on some new Cultists. It should be a lot of fun to knock these guys out.

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