I love podcasts. Absolutely love them. When someone tells you that they love their shirt, or a song, or their Grandma, usually they just mean that they really like them. But I love podcasts. I love that I can download and listen to groups of like minded people talking about some of my favourite things in the world. I love that I get to see into the hobbies of other people and learn about what it is in this hobby that they love and that excites them. While it may be a discussion best left for another day, a few years ago I came to the realization that this hobby is varying things to everyone that participates in it. The majority of Warhammer enthusiasts enjoy a delicate blend of Fluff, Painting, Modeling, scenery building, Gaming, List Building, Blogging, etc. There do exist those whom focus exclusively on one of the different parts, but they are the exception that makes the rule.
For the people who don't know me in the real world, I work in construction as an opportunity to escape my children. It's a good job, feeds my family, buys me Plastic Crack, and keeps me physically active. One disadvantage is that I often have a lot of time to think while my hands are busy. I have found that working and hobbying both benefit from me having something to listen to. This means that I chew through podcasts at an incredible rate. I got through the entirety of the Independent Characters backlog of episodes in about 3 months. That's over 300hrs of podcasting to listen to!! And it was awesome.
For this post I am going to focus on the podcasts about my first love, 40k. Later I'll do another list of Fantasy Podcasts and then I'll just review new podcasts as I find them.
My #1 favourite podcast is the Independent Characters I stumbled across this podcast while looking for information on how to run gaming events and tournaments. At the time I had considered myself a competitively focused 40k player. To my surprise the hosts had a couple of guests on the show and they were discussing running narrative events and campaigns. This concept was so new to me that I was hooked and new life was given to my hobby as my perceptions of the game changed. The ICs continue to be the most positive 40k podcast that I have listened to and bring top quality content to the interwebs every 2 weeks.
While I listed my #1 podcast first, the next two are in no particular order because I love them both for different reasons.
Masters of the Forge is another fortnightly podcast that focuses on letting players play the way they want to. By writing and releasing special rules the MoFos help the listeners to explore the 40k universe in ways that go beyond the BRB. In one of my favourite episodes they explore The Death of Antagonis by David Annandale. They present unique scenarios and units to represent the different battles in the Novel. The MoFos are quickly on their way up on the community and I couldn't be more excited about it.
I'm not 100% sure how to describe The Overlords podcast. They are either a comedy podcast with 40k content sprinkled throughout or a 40k podcast with comedy sprinkled throughout. You are hereby notified that Phallic jokes abound in each and every episode. A variety of Brits and one confused American bring some excellent content and comedy to your ears every 2 weeks. The first time I heard the theme songs I wondered what the hell I had gotten myself into, now I sing along with them. In fact, my Nurglr Daemon army was started because I fell to Nurgle, but just to try it.
If you haven't already given these podcasts a listen, I highly recommend that you do. Short of getting your group together for a hobby day, these guys are without a doubt the best companions to getting your hobby work done.