Friday, 21 November 2014

Disgraced Terrain Builder

So if you read Campaign Game #2 you may have noticed the poor quality  (read none) paint job on my terrain. At first glance this may not seem like that big of a deal,  but I was hugely embarrassed by it. You see,  in the last 12 months I have cranked out a tonne of terrain,  built and painted. In fact,  I have made enough terrain to run a 10-12 player tournament without worrying about sparse terrain deployment.

Now,  terrain building is always the most time consuming part. As I already had some hills and forests and scatter barricades,  it was quick to paint everything. I spent maybe an hour over the course of the evening painting this stuff because drybrushing is just too easy.
-Is it finished?  No
-Is it the best I can do?  No
-Does it look way nicer than it did before? Yes

It still needs loads of work,  but hey it's a start and I can now use this terrain without feeling like an idiot.

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